The Powder Toy Snapshot Server
Bleeding edge TPT versions with auto-update.

Current Snapshot: 367

Using Commit: c7bb950cfceb

What is it?

This server builds the latest github source for The Powder Toy.
You can use our builds to test upcoming features before an official release on
Official builds often take months to be released, so this server gives us an alternate location to share what has been changing.

What is different?

All snapshots will ping this server for updates, and prompt if a new version is available.
No session data from your TPT account is ever sent to this server, we only check version data.
Just put this next to the official Powder executable.
This service is run by developers in the TPT community! (cracker64 and jacob1)

Recent Changes
(Win 32)

From snapshot 367:
Fix some issues with comment submission
Fix page count increasing when refreshing comments, disable "Submit" button until comments are refreshed
Fix gfx.drawPixel being unable to draw in event.AFTERSIMDRAW
Set solid resist ctype/tmp from unbreakable/breakable clone
Add CtypeDraw for VOID / PVOD

From snapshot 366:
Add limit onto various textboxes that can overflow
Fix large screen prompt not showing on first run
Saves with RSST, RSSS, and ETRD with .tmp/.tmp2 set are now restricted to 98.0
Move unlisted stamps to the back when rescanning
Fix being unable to focus comment textbox if another comment was behind it
Fix some label cutoff and component overlap bugs
Fix crash upon selecting a stamp too quickly
Fix Lua dialogs looping infinitely in some cases
Fix gravity zones not being drawn in some cases even if gravity wall is selected
Update version numbers to 98.2. The below changes are new, since 98.2
Stop scrolling in ScrollPanels on mousedown
Fix RSST/RSSS not respecting the CarriesCtypeIn field
RSST now sets its .tmp from the .ctype of nearby BCLN/PBCN
Reset GEL's tmp field when it turns into RSST
New property PROP_PHOTPASS that allows PHOT to pass through an element
Add day/week/month/year selector in the search
Track custom elements inside SNOW/ICE ctype when saving
Fix saves that abuse extreme spark effects to lag the game
Remove CRACKER and CRACKER2 menusections
Update intro text cracker64 -> Pilihp64
Improve heat convection in ambient heat
View the full changelog here.