The Powder Toy Snapshot Server
Bleeding edge TPT versions with auto-update.

Current Snapshot: 384

Using Commit: 53a1f8d8bc14

What is it?

This server builds the latest github source for The Powder Toy.
You can use our builds to test upcoming features before an official release on
Official builds often take months to be released, so this server gives us an alternate location to share what has been changing.

What is different?

All snapshots will ping this server for updates, and prompt if a new version is available.
No session data from your TPT account is ever sent to this server, we only check version data.
Just put this next to the official Powder executable.
This service is run by developers in the TPT community! (cracker64 and jacob1)

Recent Changes
(Win 32)

From snapshot 384:
Fixed a typo in the rules (via ClayStan404 #994)
Fix infinite pressure / velocity bug in the bottom right corner
Fix missing elements and spurious warning in certain saves made between versions 78.1 and 96.0
Change to version 99.3 (Build 384)

From snapshot 383:
Fix gravity leaking through gravity wall for a frame when undoing
Make gravity mask accessible from Lua
Cap VIBR .tmp and explosion .temp
Fix compatibility sim.TOOL_* constants
Fix rx/ry arguments to sim.toolBox
Fix !set commands defaulting to Kelvin, instead of to current temperature scale
Fix possible game crash when using invalid coordinates in !bubble
Fix prop sampling ignoring temperature scale

From snapshot 382:
Adjust the rest of animations to work properly even at high tick rates
Change to version 99.2 (Build 382)

From snapshot 381:
FPS Cap now only affects GameView, not other interfaces
Don't tick the entire user interface every sim tick
Fix "far away" air heat and velocity code working correctly only in one direction
Prevent heat convection in liquids looking farther than 1px away
Fix LITH breaking temperature limits
Move velocity line to the debug mode DEBUG_AIRVEL
Allow to specify form part content type
Fix update check not processing when simulation is paused
Fix update check not processing when triggering it manually in options ui (same as previous bug)
Fix PIPE rendering garbage data as elements when carrying PIPE with PIPE
Prevent TPT color codes from being printed to stdout
Render the sim at a lower rate than the UI is rendered, in specific cases
Specifically, this fixes an issue where the the renderer's tick rate jumps from 60fps to the monitor's refresh rate while paused, which can cause fire effects to rapidly jump to their end results in high refresh rate monitors
Stop displaying 0 FPS when the sim is paused
Always render the UI at the monitor's refresh rate

From snapshot 379:
Allow disabling the automatic update check at startup
Make ambient heat drag effects weaker
Draw air velocity line near cursor when air velocity mode and debug HUD are on
Fix custom elements not showing up when loading saves via ptsave: links
Fix some cases of bogus missing element warnings
Give visual indication of vote/fav requests being in progress
View the full changelog here.