The Powder Toy Multiplayer Server



This is the official TPT MP server Forum Thread ».
- Allows you to collaborate on TPT saves with any number of people.
- Private rooms
- Syncs -most- TPT functions, some still do not work over multiplayer


If you have never run Powder Toy scripts before, you need to download the file, place it next to your Powder executable, and run dofile('[ScriptName].lua') from the console.
This would get complicated with many scripts, so I made a 'Script Manager' which helps organize and run all TPT scripts, and can now even download from our script server database! Database »
If you have Jacob1's mod, it comes with TPT MP! Skip to step 5. If you want Jacob's mod, check it out! Jacob's Mod »
1. I highly recommend my Script Manager, which you can get right here! Script Manager »
2. Place this 'autorun.lua' next to the Powder executable and start TPT.
3. Once opened, you'll notice a new 'Lua' button on the right bar, click that.
4. Click the 'Online' button at the top left, select TPTMulti, and finally click Download.
5. You'll once again find another new button on the right bar '<<', click it!
6. The TPT MP window should appear, type '/connect' if you want to join my server, or '/connect IP PORT' if someone else is hosting one
You are now online with other people! If no one is around, check back later, or bring a friend!


Now some help about actually using the script.
Commands are typed in the chat box, and start with /, try '/help'!